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Job Shadow Day 2022

Work Relations & Talents

he JOB SHADOW DAY allows students, from age 16 on, to shadow a business leader (e.g. CEO, CFO, …) or his/her deputy for one day and actively participate in a normal working day of a company and thus have tangible impressions of the business world. This experience differs from a regular company visit, as during the Job Shadow Day, the students get to observe a leader actually performing the regular duties of his occupation* and are given the opportunity to see first-hand what requirements are necessary to pursue certain careers.

The project is a shared initiative from FEDIL – The Voice of Luxembourg’s Industry and Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg asbl, with the support of the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts (Chambre des métiers), the Chamber of Commerce (Chambre de Commerce) and the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

This year, the Job Shadow Day will take between March 28th and April 1st  2022.

During the Job Shadow Day students learn about:

  • the importance of a relevant academic background;
  • the requirements for pursuing a successful professional career;
  • the meaning and importance of teamwork within a company;
  • important information about different career possibilities;
  • developing an entrepreneurial spirit.

The Job Shadow Day gives your company the opportunity to:

  • leave a lasting impression of your company on future job seekers;
  • position and promote the company as an employer of choice for young people;
  • promote your company and give a positive image of its field of activity;
  • strengthen your investment in “Corporate Social Responsibility”;
  • share professional experiences and knowledge with potential future young entrepreneurs.

How to participate?

To participate, please register by completing the following form:

Beginning of March 2022, you will receive the necessary information in order to organise your Job Shadow Day.

Feel free to contact us for further information.

Claudia da Silva – Job Shadow Day Coordinator


Tel: 26 11 01 – 22

Laurene Kroon – Job Shadow Day Coordinator


Tel.: 26 11 01 – 21

* A digital version is offered at registration, depending on the public health situation and/or your company policy. In this case, we will offer you assistance and support with the organization.

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