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MindForest awarded the ESR label by the INDR for the 3rd consecutive time

In recognition of its strong commitment to CSR, MindForest has been awarded the ESR “Responsible Company” label in Luxembourg by the National Institute for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (INDR).

MindForest has had its CSR policy and actions assessed since 2015 by the INDR, a reference that evaluates Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) performance in Luxembourg. The “Responsible Company” label, valid for 3 years, was obtained this year for the third time in a row, certifiying MindForest’s continuous commitment in this field for more than 7 years.

Jane Barton, Head of CSR, said:

Our CSR policy is an integral part of the company‘s strategy and is part of a resolutely participative approach; it is supported by the management and recognized by all our employees who actively contribute to it via our CSR committee created in 2014. The renewal of the ESR label is a tribute to the work accomplished by our teams to support MindForest’s ambition: to set an example by sharing its best practices with its network, to encourage its clients to adopt a well-constructed CSR approach and to act in an environmentally responsible manner. We take our CSR commitment very seriously, not only because it is the right thing to do, but also because we are convinced that it is a key element in the growth of our company. MindForest will use this label to continue to raise its standards, both in its operational approach, by sharing details of its actions with the greatest number of people and in the course of its relationships with all its partners, throughout the value chain.

Since the last award in 2018, MindForest has succeeded in maintaining or even improving its performance in the four areas examined by the INDR (see below for more details). Notable elements include continuous innovation in terms of governance (introduction of new procedures and tools to foster collaboration and transparency even at a distance) and human resources (implementation of a Myers Briggs Type Indicator approach for better knowledge of oneself and one’s colleagues).

1. CSR strategy: MindForest has set up regular communications (articles, newsletters, publications on social networks) to inform and encourage its customers, suppliers and partners to develop their own CSR approach based on the best practices tested internally.

2. Economic: New procedures were initiated in 2019 to optimise the process of knowledge capitalisation and experience acquired during projects as well as to anchor the “Trusted Advisor” philosophy within the teams; in particular, group reflection meetings and the sharing of advice with the rest of the staff at the end of the project (lessons learned).

3. Social: MindForest has adapted its employee induction process to continue to offer a warm, people-centred approach, despite the challenges of onboarding new recruits remotely. In addition, good mental health, employee inter-connectivity and team spirit continued to be encouraged thanks to the organisation of informal exchanges and activities

4. Environment: The installation of a filtered water fountain directly connected to the building’s water supply system at the end of 2018, as well as the distribution of reusable water bottles, has eliminated the use of plastic bottles entirely; in addition, water bottles at the “One Lounge” training centre are returnable and locally sourced.

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