
Why cybersecurity matters more than ever

The COVID-19 crisis has forced companies to rethink their organisation overnight and embrace new practices such as remote working which offered cyberattackers the opportunity to thrive. This crisis has certainly shown how important it is for businesses to think through their current cybersecurity measures and how they have to be adapted or advanced.

Cybersecurity being one of FEDIL’s priorities, we have, over the past years, helped and encouraged our members to adopt a resilient cybersecurity policy. Thus, we are pleased to invite you to our cybersecurity forum on Thursday, 22 October, during which we will present two new cybersecurity projects, the « Information Sharing and Analysis Center » (ISAC) and our « Cybersecurity Assessment Online Tool » 2.0.


9h45     Welcome of online attendees

10h00   Welcome words, Jean-Louis Schiltz, Vice-Chairman, FEDIL – Chairman of FEDIL-Digital & Innovation Board Group

10h10   Presentation of the ISAC concept, François Thill, Director e-commerce and information security, Ministry of the Economy

10h30   Implication on security for the industry sector during and after the COVID-19 crisis, Steve Muller, Cybersecuriy specialist, Ministry of the Economy

10h50   Round table discussion, Moderated by Pierre-Hubert Andrieux, Information Security Manager & Data Protection Officer, Cebi International with experts from the industry, members of the IND-ISAC

  • Faruk Sari, Assistant CISO, Good Year
  • Roland Fuhrmann, IT Manager, Faymonville
  • Cristian Paun, Business CIO EMEA, Du Pont de Nemours

11h30  Cybersecurity during the pandemic times – Alejandro del Rio, Data Protection & Privacy – Senior Manager, EY Luxembourg

11h50   Conclusions and end of conference

Registration: Here

Date : Thursday, 22 October 2020

Time : 10h00-12h00

Location : the conference will be held 100% online. The link to join the conference from your computer, tablet or smartphone will be sent to you after your registration in the confirmation email a few days before the event.